Care to Share – Debbie-Ann

My Story of Perseverance and Faith.

In August of 2008, I came to Canada with my daughter who was eight years old at the time. My plan was to acquire a better life and give my daughter more opportunity to excel in any area she wants to go.

I tried to get job in my field or close to it and never materialize did so to survive I did any job possible to take care of my daughter and myself.

It took a long time before my daughter and I was able to have a good life, but with the help of God we went through many, many struggles, some disappointment and few bad treatments. Had many nights of crying, praying and pleading with Jesus to help us. He finally delivered us and it is great to know that I struggle with some doubts but never give up because He must show my daughter that she can trust Him in her time of trouble.

During my struggle and when we did not have a place to live, a kind couple from my church open their home to us. We also had other people who played a vital role in helping my daughter and I; we are grateful for all their help.

While we are going through the storm, my old vehicle which I’d purchased four years ago stopped working. It decided that 2016 is the year of problems. One Sunday evening coming from church my daughter and I walk the rest of the way home.

On this Saturday I was schedule to attend a party at my friend home I text her and said, ‘sis I can’t come my transmission is gone please pray for me to get a new vehicle’. She text a prayer and I said, ‘Amen’. Fifteen minute later she starts asking some questions and I didn’t wonder why I though she needed it for another reason.

Two days later, my friend Victoria calls me and said,’ that she nominated me for Care to Share program. We were then scheduled to come in to the dealership and meet with the Care to Share coordinators. When we reach Autorama I was greeted with a pleasant and calm surrounding until I relayed my story we cried and hugged. I’ve never been to a place of business where hugging and crying are regular things to do!

In my time of trials with the car breaking down, personal issues and also the worries I had for my daughter, I had to keep our faith strong. I did that by continuing my work as a volunteer.

I must thank God for putting kind, loving and wonderful persons in our lives that care about my daughter and I. I’m extremely grateful to my friend Victoria who nominated me for Autorama’s the Care to Share program. It is a wonderful program that comes with an atmosphere of love, kindness and happiness from everyone. May the LORD continue to bless the staff and their families.

Thank you from Rene’ and Debbie-Ann

– Debbie-Ann
Recipient from Toronto

I came across Care to Share ad last year, my first thoughts was can this “free” car be real? I immediately asked myself, what is the worst that could happen? So I followed my heart and shared the story of my friend and her 2 kids. About a week later my friend drove away with a beautiful car. That blessing recharged her faith and taught her kids a valuable life lesson about God and faith.

Almost exactly a year later, when another friend shared with me her struggles with her vehicle, it made perfect sense for me to return to the amazing Autorama family that I watched changed a life once before. It was placed on my heart to contact Autorama. Unsure if the care to share program was still going, I sent an email through the website along with a prayer that we could change another’s life. The amazing people at Autorama quickly replied, telling me that the timing was so close to their next give away and the story of this friends battle with immigration, homelessness and hopelessness had their attention. I did all I could to get my friend there to meet the great Autorama family and tell her story.

It brings me such joy to know that through obedience and sensitivity to the Spirit of God, I have been able to witness and share a life changing experience with not one but now two close friends. I am a strong believer in the give and take philosophy of Autorama, it is more blessed to give than to receive and I will forever give all I can to those around me. Love is the greatest gift we can give and receive in this life and there is no greater joy for me than to brighten someone’s day by letting them know they are loved. I know only too well what it is to struggle through life and feel like the battle is never ending. We all need hope to get through and Autorama is doing their part to provide hope in the community. I know they will be blessed for all they do to bless others.

Thank you Autorama

– Victoria

David Majedi

David brings a decade of experience to his role as Finance Manager at Autorama. Having served a diverse clientele with unique financing needs over the years, he has gained comprehensive knowledge of the market and forged created relationships with all lenders, including banks and private lenders.